An Insight into the Histopathology of Oral Neoplasms with Basaloid Morphology and a Working Classification
basal cell tumors, basaloid morphology, oral cavityAbstract
Basal cell tumors (BCT) are tumors usually derived from pluripotential stem cell compartments of the basal layer of epidermis and/or oral epithelium. BCTs are infrequent entities in the oral cavity and are not discussed separately in general and oral pathology. A literature review did not reveal any classification of tumors with basaloid morphology. This paper is an attempt to categorize the oral neoplasms with basaloid morphology and discuss their differential diagnoses in detail. A review of the literature was carried out to rule out the frequency of different oral BCTs reported in the literature. Additionally, a simple working classification of oral BCTS has been proposed. We hope that this classification will be helpful for oral and general pathologists and students.
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