Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
Instructions to Authors
- Review manuscript submission guidelines
- Cover Letter
Author Form
- Ensure all authors have qualified as authors based on ICMJE authorship criteria;
- Ensure all authors have read and agreed to the Certification;
- Ensure all authors have read and provided disclosure of conflicts of interest; and
- Submit a scanned copy of the fully accomplished form.
Patient Consent Form
- Submit a scanned copy of the fully accomplished form (if indicated); and
- If all attempts have been made and consent form is not signed, state so in the Cover Letter.
- ICMJE COI Disclosure Form
Title Page
- Full names of the authors directly affiliated with the work (First name and Last name), highest educational attainment;
- Name and location of not more than 1 institutional affiliation per author; and
- If presented in a scientific forum or conference, provide a footnote indicating the name, location and date of presentation.
- Provide an abstract conforming with the format;
- Structured for Original Articles, Review Articles: Objective/s, Methodology, Results, Conclusion;
- Unstructured for Case Reports and Feature Articles; and
- Do not place cross references within the abstract.
- Provide 3-6 keywords (listed in MeSH)
- Provide text/content in IMRAD format (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion);
- Make sure all abbreviations are spelled out once (the first time they are mentioned in the text) followed by the abbreviation enclosed in parentheses; the same abbreviation may then be used subsequently;
- Make sure all measurements and weights are in SI units;
- If appropriate, provide information on institutional review board/ethics review committee approval;
- Disclosure of statement of conflicts of interest; and
- Acknowledgements to individuals/groups of persons, or institution/s should be included at the end of the text just before the references; grants and subsidies from government or private institutions should also be acknowledged.
- All references should be cited in the text, in numerical order. Use Arabic numerals; and
- Ensure all references follow the prescribed format.
Tables, Figures, Illustrations and Photographs
- All tables, figures, illustrations and photographs should be cited in the text, in numerical order per type;
- Provide separate files for tables, figures and illustrations;
- Provide a title and legend (if appropriate) for each table;
- Provide a title, legend (if appropriate), and caption for each figure and illustration (caption should be no longer than 15-20 words); and
- If table, figure, or illustration is adapted, state so and include the reference.
Recognized leaders in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine may be invited by the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Board to present their scientific opinion and views of a particular topic within the context of an issue theme or issues on scholarly publication. No abstract or keywords necessary.
Review articles, both solicited and unsolicited, provide information on the “state of the art.” PJP reviews not only summarize current understanding of a particular topic but also critically appraise relevant literature and data sources, describe significant gaps in the research, and future directions. The abstract should be from 50 to 75 words and should not be structured. A manuscript for reviews should not exceed 15 typewritten pages (including tables, figures, illustrations and maximum of 50 references) or 4000 words.Original Articles
Original articles include but are not limited to clinical trials, comparative studies, meta-analyses, observational studies. Manuscripts submitted under this section must have been reviewed and approved by an ethical review board that is explicitly stated in the methodology.
The abstract should contain no more than 200 words with a structured format consisting of the objective/s, methodology, results and conclusion. A manuscript for original articles should not exceed 25 typewritten pages (including tables, figures, illustrations and maximum of 30 references) or 6000 words.
You may download the PJP template for Original Research to guide you.
Feature Articles
The PJP may feature articles, either as part of an issue theme or a special topic on pathology by a local or international expert or authority. The abstract should be from 50 to 75 words and should not be structured. A manuscript for feature articles should not exceed 25 typewritten pages (including tables, figures, illustrations and maxium of 30 references) or 6000 words.
Case Reports
This type of article pertains to single or multiple reports of well-characterized cases that are highly unusual, novel, or rare; or with a unique or variant presentation, evolution or course; or that represent an unexpected or uncommon association of two or more diseases or disorders that may represent a previously unsuspected causal relationship; or that are underreported in the literature. The abstract should be from 50 to 75 words and should not be structured. A manuscript for case reports should not exceed 10 typewritten pages (including tables, figures, illustrations and maximum of 15 references) or 3000 words.
You may download the PJP template for Case Report to guide you.
Autopsy Vault
The PJP highly welcomes articles on autopsy protocols of cases. The article must include a summary presentation of the history, evaluation and work-up, clinical course of a case, followed by the autopsy procedure performed, gross and microscopic findings, discussion, learning points and conclusion. The PJP recognizes the instructional and educational value of articles under this section. The abstract should be from 50 to 75 words and should not be structured. A manuscript for the Autopsy Vault should not exceed 25 typewritten pages (including tables, figures, illustrations and maximum of 30 references) or 6000 words.
Brief Communications
Brief Communications are short reports intended to either extend or expound on previously published research or present new and significant findings which may have a major impact in current practice. If the former, authors must acknowledge and cite the research which they are building upon. The abstract should be from 50 to 75 words and should not be structured. A manuscript for brief communications should not exceed 5 typewritten pages (including tables, figures, illustrations and maximum of 10 references) or 1500 words.Images in Pathology
Images of unique, interesting, or highly educational cases encountered in hematology, cytology, histopathology, or medical microbiology, may be submitted under this section, and may include photomicrographs, gross pictures, machine read-outs, among others. A brief history, the photograph(s) and short discussion of the case. No abstract is required. A manuscript for Images in Pathology should not exceed 500 words, with maximum of 10 references. This is distinct from the Case Report which is a full write up.
You may download the PJP template for Images in Pathology to guide you.
Letters to the Editor
PJP welcomes feedback and comments on previously published articles in the form of Letters to the Editor. No abstract or keywords are necessary. A Letter to the Editor must not exceed 2 typewritten pages or 500 words.
Special Announcements
Special announcements may include upcoming conventions, seminars or conferences relevant to pathology. The Editors shall deliberate and decide on acceptance and publication of special announcements.
Please coordinate with the Editorial Coordinator for any request for special announcements.
Copyright Notice
![Creative Commons License](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png)
The Philippine Journal of Pathology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on works made open access at http://philippinejournalofpathology.org
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.